Meadow grasshopper and rosels bush cricket
A few more from Hadleigh CP. Here is a meadow grasshoper head on. And a Rosel’s bush cricket.
DetailsA few more from Hadleigh CP. Here is a meadow grasshoper head on. And a Rosel’s bush cricket.
DetailsFollowing on from my last post, at Hadleigh Country Park there were were also plenty of butterflies. This Essex skipper was a nice find. It looks like a small skipper but the underside of the antennae are black. There were also some marbled white butterflies about. This one was looking a little tatty I tried…
DetailsA couple of weeks ago I headed to Hadleigh Country Park to look for wildlife. There were a number of hoverflies around so I tried to capture them hovering in flight. Though Im not 100% happy with them I had some success, certainly better than I had managed before. The key seemed to be using…
DetailsJust a couple of photos of this small scavenger water beetle, Hydrobius fuscipes, taken in the photographic aquarium.
Back in May I took some photos of a smooth newt tadpoles. This 1st one I entered into the BWPA. but didn’t get shortlisted. smooth newt tadpole looking over twig head on edited I also photographed one of the common frog tadpoles.
DetailsHere are some more badger photos from my trip to Pitsea landfill tip, which was made famous by BBC Springwatch this year with it’s tame foxes (more on them later) and badger hide maintained by Phil Shaw (You can see his excellent photos on his website Nature photo
A few months back I pond (well lake) dipped at a private nature reserve trying to get some dragonfly nymphs. I failed to find any, but did find some excellent saucer bugs, something I had only seen twice before. They are true bugs (Heteroptera), which also includes the water boatmen, pond skaters and water scorpions,…
DetailsIve been catching up on some editing, especially on my pond photos. I got my best shots of a soldierfly larva, possibly Stratiomys sp. Not the prettiest of animals! Also in the same batch were these of the brackish water prawns.
DetailsA couple of months ago, I was lucky enough to visit a fantastic site for photographing wild badgers. The chap who invited me and set up his camera gear for me to use was Phil Shaw and you can see his excellent photos on his website Nature photo The set up we used involved…
DetailsThis evening I went for a quick walk around Wat Tyler CP and thought I’d check a wasp spider hotspot. Sure enough there were 3 webs with spider present. Only one was in a reasonable position for photography. They were eating the grasshoppers, like this lesser marsh grasshopper. And this meadow grasshopper. I got some…