Flatford Mill
On a lovely morning at Flatford Mill I saw the wonderful Constable painting scene and thought it would be rude not too..
On a lovely morning at Flatford Mill I saw the wonderful Constable painting scene and thought it would be rude not too..
My Bushnell camera did something strange with all the reflective snow last night. When the sensor light came on, the light level was high enough for my Bushnell trail cam to switch to colour mode. This of course meant when the light went out it has resulted in just a black screen but I’ve edited…
DetailsAnother quick photo post, this time of a diving beetle larva. This beastie is famous for being a ferocious predator, sometimes attacking prey bigger then itself with its large pincer like mouthparts. They even eat each other! If you look closely you can see its covered in what looks like white fuzz. These are another…
DetailsBefore all this snow arrived, I went for a walk around a frosty and sunny Wat Tyler Park, where I came across a fox hunting for food. I only managed one shot as it was partly hidden by bushes most the time, and between me and the sun, but I quite like it.
Back in May I had one day where I got some shots of orange tip butterflies Anthocharis cardamines. There were a few males around. And a female reacted positively to interest from one male.
DetailsBeen playing with my Pentax Q today and managed this shot of a pied wagtail. It was over 10m away and this shot is about 2/3rds of its original size. The reach of this set-up is great, although it is a bit fiddly.
DetailsWhen in Kefalonia I visited Livadi Marshes. There on the edge of the road was what I thought was a tortoise. I picked it up and moved it a safer spot for photos (it thanked me by emptying its bladder!) We Identified it later I realised it was in fact a Balkan terrapin I left…
DetailsOn Saturday I had a trip round Sheppey, thanks to Phil (@sheppeywildlife on twitter) and saw some great birds. The weather was very dull but I got my best ever shots of 3 birds. Little owl. Snow bunting And red legged or French partridge. I was a great day, thanks to Phil for showing me…
DetailsBack in October I headed to Richmond Park. There I took some photos of the Red deer stags. The calves in this one seem unimpressed by the stags bellowing. A couple of youngsters were practising rutting. I also photographed the hinds. This one had some jackdaws feeding on it!