Another pic from yesterday, a goldcrest on the floor.
Another pic from yesterday, a goldcrest on the floor.
A photo from today. Terrible light but I got my best ever shot of a crested tit.
One of the highlights of Kefalonia are the mediterreanen butterfly species. One of these is the southern white admiral butterfly
One nice find while in Kefalonia was this hook tailed dragonfly, namely the Green eyed hooktail Onychogomphus forcipatus.
More shots from Kefalonia. On a trip up Mount Aenos, I kept hearing a call in the trees that sounded familiar, but I just couldn’t work out what it was. Then this chap came down. A firecrest! Great to see and it/they posed for a few shots. Due to their constant movement and staying in…
DetailsSome photos from last years trip to Kefalonia. There were Balkan wall lizards in many of the locations we visited and this one posed in the morning sun on an olive tree. Seem to have a yawn to wake up too!
DetailsThis is what happens when you link to a page without reading it properly (or perhaps it was but that was an inconvenient truth?). This page said nothing about otters being hand fed, perhaps someone was just trying to drum up interest in his facebook page? Shame as it tarnishes all anglers with such behaviour.…
DetailsOn a recent trip to the New Forest I stopped at Milford where there were a number of rooks Corvus frugilegus around the car park.
Some from the processing backlog, much of which consists of pond creatures like these. Not my best pond pics, but worth processing. The Wandering pond snail is a common species in ponds. The pond olive mayfly nymph I have blogged about before before