Fox images
I recently returned from my honeymoon, and managed a few photos of the wildlife in Tenerife, so expect some of that soon. But for now here are a few fox photos taken in recent months.
I recently returned from my honeymoon, and managed a few photos of the wildlife in Tenerife, so expect some of that soon. But for now here are a few fox photos taken in recent months.
Last Saturday I headed down to the New Forest to finally meet up with Naomi Ewald from FHT to look at some ponds with species that required her Schedule 5 license. I say finally because our previous attempts to meet had been thwarted by everything from flooding and thunderstorms to non functioning alarms, but this…
Im pleased to announce my photos are are now for sale through RSPB Images You can follow this link to see my photos, like this one of a screech beetle
Here a re few photos of Britain’s heaviest insect, the great silver water beetle Hydrophilus piceus, all taken in a photographic aquarium.
A few photos of fulmars at Bempton Cliffs
While in Cairngorms in March I suffered an external Hard Drive failure and had to spend a day sorting out recovering files etc. But luckily for me a Song Thrush posed in the garden close than I’d ever seen one and allowed some nice shots of it sunbathing.
The Northern damselfly or Spearhead Bluet Coenagrion hastulatum is a species found only in the Highlands of Scotland in the UK, so when I was up there this March I headed to a known site for them with my pond net to see what I could find. It turned out to be pretty easy to…
A few SHots of a Tabanus Horsefly I managed to get close to. It look like the Dipteran answer to a certain Belgian detective.
In one of my recent pond creature photogrpahy session, I got what I believe is my best shot yet of a Newt Tadpole If you are interested in photographing freshwater invertebrates, why not come along to my Pond creature photography tuition at Wat Tyler Country Park. More details here and you can Contact me for…
A few shots of the tree sparrows at Bempton RSPB reserve