Female Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus Part 1
I took loads of photos of a female marsh harrier feeding on a dead rabbit back in May.
I took loads of photos of a female marsh harrier feeding on a dead rabbit back in May.
Yesterday I was pointed in the direction of a Cream spot tiger moth Epicallia villica. I tried some angles other than the typical top down one and was treated to some wonderful colours. Who said moths are dull? I also got a close up of the head.
Back at the end of April I went to RSPB Rainham were, almost as soon as I left the centre, I came across this Glow worm larva. I had photographed one the previous weekend, but had to use flash as it was in woodland. This one was on the path in much better (if a…
Last month the results of a survey by 25 wildlife organisations were announced. I haven’t really had to time to blog on this and do it justice , but here is a brief summary: The results of the State of Nature Report did not make good reading: 60 per cent of the species studied have declined…
Yesterday I was in London with Jack Perks, a fellow wildlife photographer, when we came across this mandarin duck and her ducklings next to Regents canal. I got the wide angle out for a few shots too. In Regents Park we came across this Egyptian goose. And this wood pigeon.
I started today by heading straight to the spot where I saw the emperors emerging, but they were no longer there and just their exuvia were left. Hopefully they got away safely. At lunchtime I managed some shots of broad bodied chasers, a female hovering between egg laying. And a perched male. Yesterday I managed…
Tonight at 9pm, just as I was finishing work, a couple of emerging emperor dragonfly nymphs were spotted on some reeds in a pond. The light was literally non existent as the sun had gone down and it was the end of dusk, so I had to use flash, which combined with the awkward angle,…
Today I came across the first dragonfly that posed for a photo, a broad bodied chaser. In an effort to get something different I put on my 35mm wide angle macro and got this.
On Bank holiday Monday last week it started to rain (well it was a Bank Holiday!) so we headed into Leighton Moss to sit in one of the hides, to hide for the weather as much as the birds! We went into Lillian’s Hide and were told an otter was about. It came up briefly…