A couple of weeks ago I found out there was a poppy field not far from my house, but it took until last week for a sunny evening to coincide with me being free to go there.

I got there about an hour before sunset and had to work round a couple of families and someone doing a model shoot, but I got a few shots I liked.

Sadly a lot of the area around the track through the field had been trampled down by visitors. I did my best not to add to it, though it had reached the point where it was hard to work out what areas were the actual track!

It did however mean there were a few poppies standing up in front of relatively clean backgrounds if you looked around.

I was hoping for a nice sunset, but as the sun started to go behind a bank of cloud on the horizon I realised it wasn’t going to happen.
So I switched to HDR mode on my Olympus EM1 mkii and selected the exposure bracketing mode on 7 images and shot looking straight into the sun. I then took the 5 covering the range of exposures I wanted and merged them in Lightroom when I got home and got this image.

I tried a shooting with the sun behind the flower shot – not sure it works to be honest…

I waited just in case, but the sun never did light up the sky, but I took one last shot as the sun went behind the trees and cloud