Here is a timelapse of a sunset I made a few weeks ago. Categories: Essex, timelapse, video, wat tyler cpBy Neil-UKWildlifeNovember 21, 2013Leave a commentTags: sunsettimelapsevideo Share this post Share on FacebookShare on Facebook TweetShare on Twitter Pin itShare on Pinterest Share on LinkedInShare on LinkedIn Author: Neil-UKWildlife Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:ScorpionflyNextNext post:Juvenile Scaup at RSPB West Canvey MarshesRelated postsPhotographing Water VolesJuly 20, 2019Adders at Fingeringhoe WickApril 26, 2019Grey Squirrels at Thorndon CPMarch 12, 2019Project Snowdrop – my 1st project in 2018December 10, 2018Macros stacks in the field on an Autumn day in Wat Tyler CPOctober 23, 2018Beluga Whale in the ThamesSeptember 25, 2018