It was a cold winter December day today in Essex. Most the insect life is dormant for winter, but under the ice in the ponds there is still plenty of activity. A sweep with the net and a caught a number of creatures: damselfly larvae, water lice, water beetles and 2 species of backswimmer, the common backswimmer Notonecta glauca and the small backswimmer Notonecta viridis.
There were also a number of Lesser water boatman.
Finally there were a couple of newt tadpoles, probably that of a smooth newt.
A great set of images Neil. I will check out more of your work. very impressed, I spent most of yesterday with bank voles, misty damp and cold day, posted a few on my Facebook page last night. get down processing them properly today. Regards Keith
Impressive photos, nice lens.
Hi Neil – These are wonderful photos. Thank you!