A few more photos of the loggerhead turtles from Argostoli in Kefalonia. Categories: Greece, Kefalonia, ReptileBy Neil-UKWildlifeFebruary 2, 2013Leave a commentTags: argostoliCarettagreecekeflaonialoggerheadturtke Share this post Share on FacebookShare on Facebook TweetShare on Twitter Pin itShare on Pinterest Share on LinkedInShare on LinkedIn Author: Neil-UKWildlife http://www.uk-wildlife.co.uk Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Upside down lesser water boatmanNextNext post:Beadlet sea AnemoneRelated postsEP53 – A threat to the Legal Protection for WildlifeJune 30, 2021Wall lizards and stoats, a day on the North DownsOctober 4, 2020World Wetlands Day – my best freshwater life shots from 2019February 2, 2020Adders at Fingeringhoe WickApril 26, 2019September trip to Thursley Common: Bee wolf, hornet robberfly and other highlightsJanuary 18, 2018AddersMay 2, 2017