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Ep45 – Cuckoos with Professor Nick Davies

We discuss cuckoos with Professor Nick Davies, field naturalist and author of the book ‘Cuckoo: cheating by nature’. We talk about the cuckoos diet, migration and their extraordinary nest parasitism. Over many years of study Nick and his colleagues have answered many of the questions around how the cuckoo gets away with laying it eggs…


Ep44 – Bee-Flies with Dr Erica McAlister

We talk about bee-flies, the cute brown fuzzy flies that start to appear in Early spring. As guest host we have the only person we could have asked, the woman Nick baker that described as “the best thing that has ever happened to flies, Dr Erica McAlister! (Who was a great guest back in Ep26).…


Ep43 – Ladybirds with Professor Helen Roy

We are joined by Prof. Helen Roy, President of the Royal Entomological Society, to discuss ladybirds. We talk about what ladybirds are, what they eat and their lifecycle. We also ask Helen some of your questions on the value of recording and impact of invasive ladybirds, and finally we talk about who the Royal Entomological Society are and…


Ep41 – Ancient Orchards with Nick Gates

We talk to Nick Gates,  naturalist and natural history TV producer, vlogger and writer. We discuss the Ancient or Traditional Orchards, the topic of the book Orchard, which he co-authored. These orchards can hold a wealth of wildlife, including rare and declining species such as the noble chafer, lesser spotted woodpeckers and redstarts. We also, answer…


EP40 – Back from the Brink project

We are joined by James Harding-Morris, who is the Communications Manager for the Back from the Brink project, a large collaboration of UK nature conservation bodies which aims to save 20 species from extinction and benefit over 200 more through 19 projects that span England. We discuss the aims and achievements so far, some of the many…


Ep4 UK Wildlife Podcast – Christmas Special

In News we discuss: The sad passing of David Bellamy Harvest Mice thriving on a reintroduction site Baby porpoise poisoned by pollution We answer Steve Bonds question about a magpie eating a mouse And our main topic is wildlife species associated with Christmas: reindeer, robins, holly and mistletoe   Click here to play Subscribe here:Apple…


Ep38 – Freshwater Filmmaking with Jack Perks

We talk to the fish twitcher himself, Jack Perks, about how he ended up filming freshwater fish and other wildlife, his quest to film every species of British freshwater fish and many other things. In news we cover the call by conservationists to monitor our smaller streams and ponds, andJack also gives his insights on…


Ep37 – Entomology + Carrion Beetles with Ash Whiffin

We talk to entomologist and museum curator Ashleigh Whiffin, discussing how she got to being a museum curator and entomologist, the need for taking specimens in entomology and how entomological displays have changed over the years. We also discuss Carrion Beetles, their wonderful behaviours of this group, (which include a surprising amount of parental care),…


Ep36 – Snowdrops and Winter Aconites

We talk about the 2 main winter flowers Snowdrops and Winter Aconites. Looking at the natural history of these 2 plants that are not native, but found in the wild of the UK We choose our favourite nature moment from 2020 and share some of yours. In news we discuss the last welsh Golden Eagle…


Ep35 – Leeches

A bit of a different episode, with just Neil and he is talking about a much maligned group of animals, the leeches, and how his fear turned to fascination. With some cool facts and his personal experiences of these largely misunderstood creatures.


Ep34 – Wildlife Kate

We chat to Kate MacRae about teaching children outside, about wildlife/nature (including remotely during the lockdown!), the remote wildlife cameras in her garden, tips on using trailcams and a host of other things!

Ep33 – Wildlife Photography Competitions and Ethics with Rob Read

We discuss Wildlife Photography Competitions and Ethics with our guest Rob Read who runs the Wild Art photography competition. We also talk about wildlife writing with his Purple Crow subscription service. We talk through how to set rules in competitions and how this links in with ethics of getting the shot and navigating the grey…


Ep32 – Dr George McGavin

For our 1 year anniversary special we are joined by entomologist and wildlife presenter George McGavin, discussing how he got into entomology and then broadcasting, bot flies, the important conservation role that has been played by Scottish midges and what happened when he was left alone in a dark cave among many other subjects! Here…


Ep3 UK Wildlife podcast – How to get adults interested in Wildlife

We discuss in News: Leaky Dams, rise in poisoned owl no.s in Epping Forest and dormouse decline. The main topic of discussion is Graham’s question: It was interesting and encouraging to hear in episode 1 of your podcast that the young children seem to be growing up with quite a good grasp of natural knowledge,…


Ep29 – Nature’s Health Benefits with Dr Amir Khan GP

We are joined by Dr Amir Khan GP, known from Channel 5’s GPs Behind Closed Doors, BBC Breakfast and ITV’s This Morning, and ambassador for the Wildlife Trust and Butterfly Conservation, to discuss health benefits of wildlife, getting under represented groups access to nature and these benefits, the wonderful wildlife in his garden and Yorkshire,…


Ep25 – Beaver Reintroduction with Derek Gow

We talk to Derek Gow about Beaver reintroduction and the story behind it, which is the topic for his book ‘Bringing Back the Beaver’ (available at all good bookstores).He tells the story of well evidenced projects that were stopped by the actions of an influential few, and the success that was won to keep the…


Ep24 – Wasp Spider Special

In this species special we look at the Wasp Spider Argiope bruennichi, discussing their feeding behaviour, the males struggling to not be cannibalised while trying to mate with females, the possible function of both their striped body markings and the zig-zag of silk in their web, which is known as a ‘stabilimentum’.  We also look at…


Ep22 – Newts

Neil and guest host herpetologist Steve Allain discuss the UK’s Newt species. They talk about smooth, palmate and great crested newts, their habits, feeding and breeding and also look at the non native alpine and Italian crested newts, and neotony that sometimes occurs in UK species. In news they look at the pollution spill kills…


Ep21 – Hydra

A (very) short episode where Neil talks about our freshwater Cnidarians, the usually marine group that include corals and sea anemones, which focuses on the freshwater Hydra species. With a brief look at the alien freshwater jellyfish that occasionally turn up in the UK as well.
