A few more recent pond photos today, taken in January. This particular dip turned up the first Pygmy Backswimmers in Wat Tyler Country Park, at least that I have seen.
These small 3mm bugs, also known at ‘plea bugs’ (Pleidae), have only one species in the UK Plea minutissima, referred to as Plea leachi in some books.
These are like miniature versions of their relatives the greater water boatman or backswimmers, but feeding on smaller prey like water fleas. However unlike their bigger relatives they seem to rarely sit still, which when combined with their small size, makes photography rather difficult!
Also in the pond tray was this cooperative water flea who sat on the glass and allowed some photos.
Its sat their long enough for me to try a stacked image (taking lots of photos focussed at different point and merging them to give a bigger depth of field).
Finally this Limnephilus caddisfly larva poked its head out for one photo.