Latice brown and cleopatra butterfly, swallowtail caterpillar tiger beetle and house martin on Mounda beach, Kefalonia

A couple of years ago I went to Kefalonia, staying in Skala at the south of the island. A decent walk away was Mounda beach near Katelios. This beach is one of the last breeding sites for loggerhead turtles on Kefalonia, a species that is under threat from expanding tourism. However there is a group…

Water louse, bloodworm, Rhantus suturalis diving beetle and Limnephilus rhombicus caddisfly larva

Some more of the pond photos from January. Most of these have had some dust and dirt cloned out of them and a couple, notably the following photo, has had the background touched up. The first photos are of a water louse or slater. They are the aquatic relative of the woodlouse. They are often…