Greater pond snail Lymnaea stagnalisAquatic molluscsBy Neil-UKWildlifeAugust 5, 2015Leave a comment1 image
Water louse Asellus aquaticusFreshwater Crustaceans, Pond creaturesBy Neil-UKWildlifeAugust 5, 2015Leave a comment5 images
Orange striped Stonefly Perlodes mortiniStonefliesBy Neil-UKWildlifeJuly 28, 2015Leave a comment3 images
Duck leech Theromyzon tessulatumAquatic worms and leechesBy Neil-UKWildlifeJuly 20, 2015Leave a comment1 image
Medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalisAquatic worms and leeches, Pond creaturesBy Neil-UKWildlifeJuly 20, 2015Leave a comment2 images
Water Spider Argyroneta aquaticaAquatic Arachnids, Pond creaturesBy Neil-UKWildlifeJuly 20, 2015Leave a comment8 images
Pond Olive Cloeon dipterum mayfly nymphMayflies, Pond creaturesBy Neil-UKWildlifeJuly 20, 2015Leave a comment4 images